demographics of austria ne demek?

Austria is a small country in central Europe with a population of approximately 9 million people. The population is relatively homogeneous, with the majority (about 98%) being ethnic Austrians. The remaining 2% is made up of various ethnic groups, including Turks, Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks.

The country has a relatively high life expectancy, with men living on average to the age of 79 and women living to the age of 83. The birth rate is fairly low, with an average of 1.5 children born per woman, though this is offset by a positive migration rate.

The majority of the population lives in urban areas, with the largest cities being Vienna (the capital and most populous city), Graz, Linz, and Salzburg. The literacy rate in Austria is very high, at almost 100%.

Austria is also a predominantly Christian country, with Roman Catholicism being the most common religion. However, there are also significant numbers of Protestants, Muslims, and Jews.